How time goes by – music from Hubert von Goisern to start the week

August 16, 2010

My five weeks in Europe went by in no time. Amazing. Where has it gone?

I start this week in a contemplative mood (“simmeliere” as we say in the Rhineland).

The following song of Hubert von Goisern, one of my favourite poets from the Alps, seems to be just the right stuff.

Lyrics H. v. Goisern / W. Staribacher

Heast as nit
wia die Zeit vergeht
Huidiei jodleiri Huidiridi

Gestern nu’
ham d’Leut ganz anders g’redt
Huidiei jodleiridldüeiouri

Die Jungen san alt wordn
und die Altn san g’storbn
Duliei, Jodleiridldudieiouri

Und gestern is’ heit word’n
und heit is’ båld morg’n
Huidiei jodleiri huidiridi

Heast as nit
Heast as nit
Hollareiridiridldoueio hållouri

Heast as nit, wia die Zeit vergeht
Heast as nit, wia die Zeit vergeht …

Have a good start into the week.
Cheers mate.

Berlin – Auerbachs Bookshop

June 26, 2008

Auerbachs Bookshop from the outside

A very good friend of mine made me aware of this little marvel of a bookshop. Its owner, Gabriele Seeboden, is a very friendly and helpful person. But the shop does not only offer books, also a rather interesting selection of fine wines is on offer, all from small, family-owned vineyards and wineries. Gabriele’s passion is book and wines, that’s for sure. The clients love her for the excellence of the service; they also love the flair of the bookshop.

Gabriele Seeboden with a customer in front of the wine rack

This year the bookshop celebrates its 125 anniversary. It was opened by Richard Auerbach in 1882. Gabriele Seeboden is the third successor of Mr. Auerbach. It is not easy these days for such small ventures to economically survive. This was one of the reasons to add a product which goes well with books and reading. Wine is the natural choice, I would say. Wine tasting are also organised at the bookshop from time to time. Give it a go and visit when in Berlin. You will not find such combination anywhere else.

Auerbachs Buchhandlung
Albrechtstr. 10
12165 Berlin
(near Rathaus Steglitz underground station)
Te.: +49-30-7913125